day 4


第四日 愛是善解人意的 (Love is Thoughtful)

¨ 經文: 神啊,你的意念向我何等寶貴,其數何等眾多!我若數點,比海沙更多。

¨ 愛的行動: 在今天,特意找機會問問你的配偶(或家人)過得如何,你能為他做些什麼?
(Have no agenda other than asking how he or she is doing and if there is anything you could do for them.)

¨ 信息摘要:” Love thinks. … It keeps busy in thought, knowing that loving thoughts precede loving actions. … When you first fell in love, being thoughtful came quite naturally. …You honestly confessed, “I can’t stop thinking about you.” …But for most couples, things begin to change after marriage. …You drift into focusing on your job, your friends, your problems, your personal desires, yourself. After a while, you unintentionally begin to ignore the needs of your mate. …”Today’s our anniversary?” “Why didn’t you include me in that decision?” “Don’t you ever think about anyone but yourself?” … Thoughtlessness is a silent enemy to a loving relationship. … Men struggle with thoughtfulness more than women. A man can focus like a laser on one thing and forget the rest of the world. …A woman, … is more multi-conscious, able to maintain an amazing awareness of many factors at once. She can talk on the phone, cook, know where the kids are in the house, and wonder why her husband isn’t helping…all simultaneously. Adding to this, a woman also thinks relationally. When she works on something, she is cognizant of all the people who are somehow connected to it. … these differences also create opportunities for misunderstanding. Men, … tend to think in headlines and say exactly what they mean. … But women think and speak between the lines. They tent to hint. A man often has to listen for what is implied if he wants to get the full meaning. If a couple doesn’t understand this about one another, the fallout can result in endless disagreements. He’s frustrated wondering why she speaks in riddles and doesn’t just come out and say things. She’s frustrated wondering why he’s so inconsiderate and doesn’t add two and two together and just figure it out. … Love requires thoughtfulness – on both sides – the kind that builds bridges through the constructive combination of patience, kindness, and selflessness. … A husband should listen to his wife and learn to be considerate of her unspoken messages. A wife should learn to communicate truthfully and not say one thing while meaning another. …Love thinks before speaking. … When was the last time you spent a few minutes thinking about how you could better understand and demonstrate love to your spouse? What immediate need can you meet? What’s the next event (anniversary, birthday, holiday) you could be preparing for? Great marriages come from great thinking.

_____ 若你做到今日的挑戰,在此處打勾
What did you learn about yourself or your spouse by doing this today? How could this become a more natural, routine, and genuinely helpful part of your lifestyle?
