第三日 愛是不自私
¨ 經文: 愛弟兄,要彼此親熱;恭敬人,要彼此推讓。 羅馬書12:10
Be devoted to one another in brotherly love; give preference to one another in honor. Romans 12:10
¨ 愛的行動: 除了前兩天的行動外,在今天請用實際的東西﹝送一個東西)向你的配偶及家人表達說“我想你”。
¨ 信息摘要:” We live in a world that is enamored with “self”. The culture around us teaches us to focus on our appearance, feelings, and personal desires as the top priority. …If there were ever a word that basically means the opposite of love, it is selfishness. …Almost every sinful action ever committed can be traced back to a selfish motive. It is a trait we hate in other people but justify in ourselves. …Why do we have such low standards for ourselves but high expectations for our mate? The answer is a painful pill to swallow. We are all selfish. When a husband puts his interests, desires, and priorities in front of his wife, that’s sign of selfishness. When a wife constantly complains about the time and energy she spends meeting the needs of her husband, that’s sign of selfishness. But love “does not seek its own” (I Corinthians 13:5). …even generous actions can be selfish if the motive is to gain bragging rights or receive a reward. If you do even a good thing to deceitfully manipulate your husband or wife, you are still being selfish. The bottom line is that you either make decisions out of love for others or love for yourself. Love is never satisfied except in the welfare of others. …putting the happiness of your partner about your own. …you don’t negate the happiness of your spouse so you can enjoy it yourself…. Love also leads to inner joy. …If you find it hard to sacrifice your own desires to benefit your spouse, then you may have a deeper problem with selfishness than you want to admit. Ask yourself these questions:
· Do I truly want what’s best for my husband or wife?
· Do I want them to feel loved by me?
· Do they believe I have their best interests in mind?
· Do they see me as looking out for myself first?
…Remember, your marriage partner also has the challenge of loving a selfish person. So determine to be the first to demonstrate real love to them, with your eyes wide open. … (Philippians 2:3)
_____ 若你做到今日的挑戰,在此處打勾
你選擇送甚麼給你的配偶? 他收到的反應如何?