Discovery Space of State College- Baby Explorer

Discovery Space of State College
112 W. Foster Ave., Suite 1
State College, PA 16801

Baby Explorer, Story Time, Science Adventures, and much more ... etc...
for more info:

Today for Baby Explorer time the CATA Bus came and all the babies got to explore the CATA Bus with their mommy and daddy. We all gathered on the bus and sang "Wheels on the Bus" song... all the kiddos really enjoyed exploring the bus and especially when one of their favorite melody now came into reality! We even came home with a souvenir. See above for lots of pictures taken today! Hope some mommies would be interested in joining us next time!

God bless! Stay warm as the weather is cooling down.

Recommended Family Movie "Courageous"- Staying Strong in Faith

My dearest fellow mommies, 

This week My husband and I spent a few hours and watched probably one of the "BEST" and most inspirational movie we have ever seen. I really wanted to take this opportunity to share this movie with all of our fellowship moms. I have already purchased this movie and will have the DVD for anyone who is interested in borrowing it. This is not only a Christian film "faith -based" movie, but this movie entails the perfect balance between suspense, drama, comedy, and emotional appeal that takes the views on a unexpected up and down ride of emotions and most importantly "Reflection" of our lives as a parent. This movie is a must for all of our daddy's at home because it really portrays the importance of the role a "father" plays in the lives of their child/children. And, leading their child/children into the fatherhood of God. 

All in all, please remember to stay strong in faith with Jesus! 

Here is a link to the movie's introduction and a photo of the cover of the DVD. Please contact me if you are interested to borrow the DVD. Thanks