Fall 2014 Moms Group Schedule

Fall 2014 State College Alliance Church Moms' Group - Schedule:

10:00 AM – 10:30 AM – MUSIC TIME with 儿童天地诗歌  

歌曲: 神爱世人- 大家一起唱 开始祷告


歌曲: 愿主荣美从我彰显
三首歌之后-- ( 此刻可以玩我们的降落伞道具….. ) 诗杨弹琴, 孩子们玩.


10:40 – 11:00 AM – Children’s Bible Story Time – in English w/ Sasa
Children and mommies will gather in a half circle and will read through 2 short bible stories. Here is the schedule as follows:

9/9 – In the Beginning (Genesis 1-2) Creation of the World
9/16 Adam and Eve (Genesis 2-3) Creation of the World
9/23 Noah’s Ark (Genesis 6-9) Creation of the World
9/30 The Tall Tower (Genesis 11) Creation of the World
10/7 God’s Ten Laws (Exodus 19-20) Creation of the World

10/14 Mary’s Message (Luke 1) Life of Jesus
10/21 The Birth of Jesus (Luke 2) Life of Jesus
10/28 Three Wise Men (Mathew 2) Life of Jesus
11/4 The Baptism of Jesus (Mathew 3 , Mark 1, Luke 3, John 1) Life of Jesus
11/11 Twelve Disciples (Mark 1,3, Luke 5, 6 ) Life of Jesus 

11:00 AM 12 NOON :   Video & Discussion                         儿童亲子教育课程-Alpha

9/9                        Building Strong Foundation                      The Role of the Family

9/16                      Building Strong Foundation                      Patterns for a healthy family life
9/23                      Meeting our Children’s Needs                  The five languages Words and Touch
9/30                      Meeting our Children’s Needs                  The five languages time, present, and actions

10/7                      Setting Boundaries                                     Combining love and limits
10/14                    Setting Boundaries                                     Helping our Children make good choices
10/21                    Teaching Healthy Relationships              Modeling and practicing relationships
10/28                    Teaching Healthy Relationships              Handling anger (Ours and Theirs)

11/4                     Our Long Term Aim                                   Encourage Responsibility

11/11                    Our Long Term Aim                                   Passing on beliefs and values

11/18                   Last meeting for Fall Moms Group (TBD)
For more information on Alpha Parenting Course please click on video link below: (Chinese subtitle)
