第七日 愛是選擇信任 (Love believes the best)
¨ 經文: 凡事包容 ,凡事相信,凡事盼望,凡事忍耐。 林前13:7
¨ 愛的行動:今日請預備兩張紙,在一張上寫下有關你配偶(家人)正面的事,在另外一張紙上寫下負面的事,保存這兩張紙做為以後用。但在今日請找機會,為你所寫下的一個正面的事,向你的配偶(家人)表達感謝。
¨ 信息摘要:(省略) (有些姊妹們有書,請自行閱讀或向別人借閱。若想訂書,請告訴馮莉莉姊妹)
_____ 若你做到今日的挑戰,在此處打勾
Which list was easier to make? What did this reveal about your thoughts? What attribute did you thank your spouse for having?
day 9
第九日 愛要令人有好印象(Love makes good impressions)
¨ 經文: 你們要用愛心彼此親嘴問安。 彼前5:14
¨ 愛的行動:今日請用微笑與熱情來向你的配偶(家人)打招呼。決心改變你以往打招呼的方式來表達你對配偶家人的愛。
¨ 信息摘要:(省略) (有些姊妹們有書,請自行閱讀或向別人借閱。若想訂書,請告訴馮莉莉姊妹)
_____ 若你做到今日的挑戰,在此處打勾
When and where did you choose to do your special greeting? How will you change your greeting form this point on?
¨ 經文: 你們要用愛心彼此親嘴問安。 彼前5:14
¨ 愛的行動:今日請用微笑與熱情來向你的配偶(家人)打招呼。決心改變你以往打招呼的方式來表達你對配偶家人的愛。
¨ 信息摘要:(省略) (有些姊妹們有書,請自行閱讀或向別人借閱。若想訂書,請告訴馮莉莉姊妹)
_____ 若你做到今日的挑戰,在此處打勾
When and where did you choose to do your special greeting? How will you change your greeting form this point on?
Day 8
第八日 愛是不忌妒(Love is not jealous)
¨ 經文: .… 因為愛情如死之堅強,忌恨如陰間之殘忍。
¨ 愛的行動:決定成為你配偶(家人)最好的支持者(啦啦隊),拒絕有忌妒他的心。拿出昨日寫下有關他負面的記錄,將它銷毀。找機會為他最近的一個成就,向他表示你心中的高興。
¨ 信息摘要:(省略) (有些姊妹們有書,請自行閱讀或向別人借閱。若想訂書,請告訴馮莉莉姊妹)
_____ 若你做到今日的挑戰,在此處打勾
How hard was it to destroy the list? What are some positive experiences that you can celebrate the life of your mate? How can you encourage them toward future successes?__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
¨ 經文: .… 因為愛情如死之堅強,忌恨如陰間之殘忍。
¨ 愛的行動:決定成為你配偶(家人)最好的支持者(啦啦隊),拒絕有忌妒他的心。拿出昨日寫下有關他負面的記錄,將它銷毀。找機會為他最近的一個成就,向他表示你心中的高興。
¨ 信息摘要:(省略) (有些姊妹們有書,請自行閱讀或向別人借閱。若想訂書,請告訴馮莉莉姊妹)
_____ 若你做到今日的挑戰,在此處打勾
How hard was it to destroy the list? What are some positive experiences that you can celebrate the life of your mate? How can you encourage them toward future successes?__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
day 6
第六日 愛是不輕易發怒 (Love is not Irritable)
¨ 經文: 不輕易發怒的,勝過勇士;治服己心的,強如取城。箴言16:32
¨ 愛的行動:今日在不容易的情形時請不要發怒,選擇用愛的方式回應。
¨ 信息摘要:” Love is hard to offend and quick to forgive. …To be irritable means “to be near the point of a knife.” …People who are irritable are locked, loaded, and ready to overreact. When under pressure, love doesn’t turn sour. Minor problems don’t yield major reactions. The truth is , love does not get angry or hurt unless there is a legitimate and just reason in the sight of God. A loving husband will remain calm and patient, showing mercy and restraining his temper. … A loving wife is not overly sensitive or cranky but exercises emotional self-control. …Ask yourself, “Am I a calming breeze, or a storm waiting to happen?” Why do people become irritable?
· Stress. Stress weighs you down, drains your energy, weakens your health and invites you to be cranky. It can be brought on by relational causes: arguing, division, and bitterness. There are excessive causes: overworking, overplaying, and overspending. And there are deficiencies: not getting enough rest, nutrition, or exercise. …Life is a marathon, not a sprint. This means you must balance, prioritize, and pace yourself. …The increasing pressure can wear away at our patience and our relationship. (Col. 3:12-14; Phil 4:6-7; Exodus 18:17-23) …It also exhorts you to take a “Sabbath” vacation day every week for worship and rest.
· Selfishness. Some people are like lemons: when life squeezes them, they pour out a sour response. Some are more like peaches: when the pressure is on, the result is still sweet. Being easily angered is an indicator that a hidden area of selfishness or insecurity is present where love is supposed to rule. But selfishness also wears many other masks; Lust, for example, is the result of being ungrateful for what you have and choosing to covet or burn with passion for something that is forbidden. When your heart is lustful, it will become easily frustrated and angered. Bitterness takes root when you respond in a judgmental way and refuse to work through your anger. A bitter person’s unresolved anger leaks out when he is provoked (Eph 4:31). Greed for more money and possessions will frustrate you with unfulfilled desires (I Tim. 6:9-10) These strong cravings coupled with dissatisfaction lead you to lash out at anyone who stands in your way. Pride leads you to act harshly in order to protect your ego and reputation.
… Love will lead you to forgive instead of holding a grudge. To be grateful instead of greedy. To be content rather than rushing into more debt. Love encourages you to be happy when someone else succeeds rather than lying awake at night in envy. Love says “share the inheritance” rather than “fight with your relatives.” It reminds you to prioritize your family rather than sacrifice them for a promotion at work. In each decision, love ultimately lowers your stress and helps you release the venom that can build up inside. It then sets up your heart to respond to your spouse with patience and encouragement rather than anger and exasperation.
_____ 若你做到今日的挑戰,在此處打勾
Where do you need to add margin to your life? When have you recently overreacted? What was your real motivation behind it? What decisions have you made today?
¨ 經文: 不輕易發怒的,勝過勇士;治服己心的,強如取城。箴言16:32
¨ 愛的行動:今日在不容易的情形時請不要發怒,選擇用愛的方式回應。
¨ 信息摘要:” Love is hard to offend and quick to forgive. …To be irritable means “to be near the point of a knife.” …People who are irritable are locked, loaded, and ready to overreact. When under pressure, love doesn’t turn sour. Minor problems don’t yield major reactions. The truth is , love does not get angry or hurt unless there is a legitimate and just reason in the sight of God. A loving husband will remain calm and patient, showing mercy and restraining his temper. … A loving wife is not overly sensitive or cranky but exercises emotional self-control. …Ask yourself, “Am I a calming breeze, or a storm waiting to happen?” Why do people become irritable?
· Stress. Stress weighs you down, drains your energy, weakens your health and invites you to be cranky. It can be brought on by relational causes: arguing, division, and bitterness. There are excessive causes: overworking, overplaying, and overspending. And there are deficiencies: not getting enough rest, nutrition, or exercise. …Life is a marathon, not a sprint. This means you must balance, prioritize, and pace yourself. …The increasing pressure can wear away at our patience and our relationship. (Col. 3:12-14; Phil 4:6-7; Exodus 18:17-23) …It also exhorts you to take a “Sabbath” vacation day every week for worship and rest.
· Selfishness. Some people are like lemons: when life squeezes them, they pour out a sour response. Some are more like peaches: when the pressure is on, the result is still sweet. Being easily angered is an indicator that a hidden area of selfishness or insecurity is present where love is supposed to rule. But selfishness also wears many other masks; Lust, for example, is the result of being ungrateful for what you have and choosing to covet or burn with passion for something that is forbidden. When your heart is lustful, it will become easily frustrated and angered. Bitterness takes root when you respond in a judgmental way and refuse to work through your anger. A bitter person’s unresolved anger leaks out when he is provoked (Eph 4:31). Greed for more money and possessions will frustrate you with unfulfilled desires (I Tim. 6:9-10) These strong cravings coupled with dissatisfaction lead you to lash out at anyone who stands in your way. Pride leads you to act harshly in order to protect your ego and reputation.
… Love will lead you to forgive instead of holding a grudge. To be grateful instead of greedy. To be content rather than rushing into more debt. Love encourages you to be happy when someone else succeeds rather than lying awake at night in envy. Love says “share the inheritance” rather than “fight with your relatives.” It reminds you to prioritize your family rather than sacrifice them for a promotion at work. In each decision, love ultimately lowers your stress and helps you release the venom that can build up inside. It then sets up your heart to respond to your spouse with patience and encouragement rather than anger and exasperation.
_____ 若你做到今日的挑戰,在此處打勾
Where do you need to add margin to your life? When have you recently overreacted? What was your real motivation behind it? What decisions have you made today?
day 5
第五日 愛是不張狂 (Love is not Rude)
¨ 經文: 清晨起來,大聲給朋友祝福的就算是咒詛他。箴言27:14
¨ 愛的行動:在今天請特意問問你的配偶,有那三件事會讓他覺得不舒服。不要攻擊他或為自己辯護,只要單單問他的觀點。
¨ 信息摘要:” Nothing irritates others as quickly as being rude. … To be rude is to act unbecoming, embarrassing, or irritating. In marriage, this could be a foul mouth, poor table manners, or a habit of making sarcastic quips. …Rude behavior may seem insignificant to the person doing it, but it’s unpleasant to those on the receiving end. … When a man is driven by love, he intentionally behaves in a way that’s more pleasant for his wife to be around. If she desires to love him, she purposefully avoids things that frustrate him or cause him discomfort. The bottom line is that genuine love minds its manners. …Good manners express to your wife or husband, “I value you enough to exercise some self-control around you. …” When you allow love to change your behavior – even in the smallest of ways – you restore an atmosphere of honor to your relationship. …There are two main reasons why people are rude: ignorance and selfishness. … You know the rules, but you can be blind to how you break them or be too self-centered to care. In fact, you may not realize how unpleasant you can be to live with. …Test yourself with these questions:
· How does your spouse feel about the way you speak and act around them?
· How does your behavior affect your mate’s sense of worth and self-esteem?
· Would your husband or wife say you’re a blessing, or that you’re condescending and embarrassing?
…Do you wish your spouse would quit doing the things that bother you? Then it’s time to stop doing the things that bother them. Will you be thoughtful and loving enough to discover and avoid the behavior that causes life to be unpleasant for your mate? ..Here are three guiding principles when it comes to practicing etiquette in your marriage:
· Guard the Golden Rule. (Luke 6:31)
· No double standards. Be as considerate to your spouse as you are to strangers and coworkers.
· Honor request. Consider what your husband or wife already asked you to do or not do. If in doubt, then ask.
_____ 若你做到今日的挑戰,在此處打勾
What things did your spouse point out about you that need your attention? How did you handle hearing it? What do you plan to do to improve these area?
第五日 愛是不張狂 (Love is not Rude)
¨ 經文: 清晨起來,大聲給朋友祝福的就算是咒詛他。箴言27:14
¨ 愛的行動:在今天請特意問問你的配偶,有那三件事會讓他覺得不舒服。不要攻擊他或為自己辯護,只要單單問他的觀點。
¨ 信息摘要:” Nothing irritates others as quickly as being rude. … To be rude is to act unbecoming, embarrassing, or irritating. In marriage, this could be a foul mouth, poor table manners, or a habit of making sarcastic quips. …Rude behavior may seem insignificant to the person doing it, but it’s unpleasant to those on the receiving end. … When a man is driven by love, he intentionally behaves in a way that’s more pleasant for his wife to be around. If she desires to love him, she purposefully avoids things that frustrate him or cause him discomfort. The bottom line is that genuine love minds its manners. …Good manners express to your wife or husband, “I value you enough to exercise some self-control around you. …” When you allow love to change your behavior – even in the smallest of ways – you restore an atmosphere of honor to your relationship. …There are two main reasons why people are rude: ignorance and selfishness. … You know the rules, but you can be blind to how you break them or be too self-centered to care. In fact, you may not realize how unpleasant you can be to live with. …Test yourself with these questions:
· How does your spouse feel about the way you speak and act around them?
· How does your behavior affect your mate’s sense of worth and self-esteem?
· Would your husband or wife say you’re a blessing, or that you’re condescending and embarrassing?
…Do you wish your spouse would quit doing the things that bother you? Then it’s time to stop doing the things that bother them. Will you be thoughtful and loving enough to discover and avoid the behavior that causes life to be unpleasant for your mate? ..Here are three guiding principles when it comes to practicing etiquette in your marriage:
· Guard the Golden Rule. (Luke 6:31)
· No double standards. Be as considerate to your spouse as you are to strangers and coworkers.
· Honor request. Consider what your husband or wife already asked you to do or not do. If in doubt, then ask.
_____ 若你做到今日的挑戰,在此處打勾
What things did your spouse point out about you that need your attention? How did you handle hearing it? What do you plan to do to improve these area?
博文 (Atom)